Bird Control Services
in San Diego

bird control methods

Bird Control

AGPEST specializes in solving bird pest management problems. Our company has pioneered many of the innovative bird control methods used today. Our Bird Division Manager has over 20 years of experience in serving Pest Bird problems. The business of bird control is ever-changing with new techniques and products becoming available all the time. We are dedicated to providing up-to-date methods and technology for our clients. Humane control can be achieved by modifying our environments and behavior to prevent the birds from accessing specific areas.

Problems with Birds

Pigeon Droppings And Waste

Bird problems can come in many forms. Nesting and/or roosting in unwanted areas can create nuisance noise, sanitation and maintenance problems, as well as potential health hazards to buildings and homes. Bird droppings are unsightly, can cause staining or damage and promote the transmission of several diseases affecting man. Prevention of nesting in or around air conditioning and heating units is especially important.

The following are some of the diseases and/or health related problems associated with birds

Fungal Diseases

Bacterial Diseases

Viral Diseases

Protozoal Diseases

Our Bird Control Methods


Live Trapping

Exclusion Netting

Stainless Steel Needle Point Spikes

Mud Swallows

Mud Swallows, also called Cliff Swallows, migrate to North America from their wintering grounds in South America to nest in large colonies, sometimes numbering in the thousands. They build enclosed, gourd-shaped nests made of mud pellets, which are attached to buildings and other structures.

They often live in close proximity to people. If nesting in colonies on buildings and other structures, they can become a nuisance. Their droppings can foul machinery, create aesthetic problems, and cause potential health hazards. Their mud nests eventually fall to the ground and can cause similar problems. Swallow nests frequently contain mites and insects such as swallow bugs. Swallow bugs are related to bed bugs and will bite humans.

Legal Status and Permits

Actions to solve problems with swallows should be started as soon as they are identified. Mud Swallows are colonial and the number of nesting birds can increase significantly from year to year. They are protected by state and federal regulations. It is illegal for any person to take, possess, transport, sell, or purchase them or their parts, such as feathers, nests, or eggs, without a permit. As a result, certain activities affecting swallows are subject to legal restrictions.

The California Department of fish and Game, the enforcement agency, considers February 15th to September 1st to be the swallow nesting season. Completed nests during this breeding season CANNOT be touched without a permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Outside of these dates, the nests can be removed without a permit. The only way a permit will be given is if there are health or safety hazards posed by a nesting colony.

Our work at Seaworld-Seagull Infestation


Our Raised Netting work at Moonlight Beach


Airport Solar Project

D. Norman
San Diego Unified School District
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"I am writing this short note to tell you about my extreme satisfaction with Rick Boman who heads up the installs and service related work of your Bird Division who I mainly deal with. I have been working reasonably close with Rick over the last six or seven years if my memory serves' me correct. I have to say he has been quite an asset between SDUSD and Agricultural Pest. Personally, he has always either answered my phone calls right away as they happen or else he returns my call very soon after, which is something that is one of my pet peeves for lack of a different word that usually comes up about me. Rick has also been very responsive when it came to me needing him to meet with me to visit one of our sites and get me a related proposal for some kind of concern we are experiencing at the time. Again, something else that is very important to me. His proposals are always professional, concise and to the point so there are not usually any questions looming because he takes the time to make sure we are both on the same page. The same goes for the work that will be performed by him and his crews who I would like to say are also are always very professional with how they carry out their tasks. I could really go on and on but I did want to keep this short and I tend to ramble on a little. So in closing; I have nothing but good things to say about Rick and the whole AGPEST Bird Division. I hope to continue working with AGPEST, Rick Boman and your crews now and for the near future."

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