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5 Most Common House Spiders in San Diego

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Spiders are a common sight in many San Diego homes, and while most are harmless, some can be a cause for concern. As a leading pest control company in San Diego, we’re here to help you identify these household pests and offer tips to keep your home spider-free. Here’s a list of the most common house spiders you might encounter in San Diego.

Common House Spiders in San Diego

American House Spider

  • Identification: Small, typically brown or gray with a rounded abdomen. They often have patterns of spots and stripes on their bodies.
  • Where Found: They build tangled webs in secluded areas, often in basements, attics, and corners of rooms.
  • Harmful to Humans?: Generally harmless. Their bites can cause mild irritation but are not dangerous.
  • Prevention Tips: Regularly dust and vacuum corners, windowsills, and other quiet areas. Seal cracks and gaps in walls, windows, and doors.

Black Widow

  • Identification: Shiny black with a distinctive red hourglass marking on the underside of the abdomen.
  • Where Found: Prefer dark, undisturbed areas like garages, sheds, and woodpiles.
  • Harmful to Humans?: Yes, their bites can be very painful and potentially serious, requiring medical attention.
  • Prevention Tips: Keep your yard tidy, remove debris and woodpiles, and wear gloves when working in areas where black widows may hide. Install tight-fitting screens on windows and doors.

Tarantula (California Ebony and San Diego Bronze)

  • Identification: California Ebony have varying shades of black and gray while San Diego Bronze are dusky brown to almost black.
  • Where Found: They live in holes in the ground, or occasionally amid rocks, on dry, well-drained grass-covered hillsides or oak-filled woodlands and even desert habitats.
  • Harmful to Humans?: Bites from tarantulas can cause irritation and allergic reactions in some humans, but are generally not considered a threat.
  • Prevention Tips: Seal entry points, keep other pest populations under control to eliminate food sources, keep lawn mowed and bushes trimmed.

Wolf Spider

  • Identification: Large, hairy, and typically brown or gray with distinctive eye patterns.
  • Where Found: Often found on the ground in gardens, garages, and basements.
  • Harmful to Humans?: Not dangerous, but their bites can cause mild pain and swelling.
  • Prevention Tips: Keep outdoor lights off to reduce insect prey, seal cracks in foundations, and ensure windows and doors fit tightly.

Cellar Spider

  • Identification: Long, thin legs and small bodies, often light brown or gray.
  • Where Found: Commonly found in basements, cellars, and other damp, dark areas.
  • Harmful to Humans?: Harmless. They are known for their long legs and often mistaken for daddy long-legs.
  • Prevention Tips: Reduce humidity in your home, fix leaks, and use a dehumidifier in damp areas.

    Tips to Keep Spiders Out of Your Home

    1. Seal Entry Points: Inspect and seal any cracks, gaps, and openings around doors, windows, and the foundation.
    2. Regular Cleaning: Keep your home clean and free of clutter. Regularly vacuum and dust corners, windowsills, and under furniture.
    3. Reduce Outdoor Lighting: Outdoor lights attract insects, which in turn attract spiders. Use yellow or sodium vapor lights, which are less attractive to insects.
    4. Yard Maintenance: Keep your yard tidy, remove debris, and trim vegetation away from your home’s exterior.
    5. Use Natural Repellents: Essential oils like peppermint, tea tree, and eucalyptus can deter spiders. Mix with water and spray around entry points and areas where spiders are commonly found.

    If you’re dealing with a spider infestation or want to ensure your home stays spider-free, contact us for professional pest control services. Our experienced team can provide a thorough inspection and customized treatment plan to keep these household pests at bay.

    Request a free pest control quote today and let us help you keep your home safe and comfortable!

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